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Re: PC164 kernel compilation help?

Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi> writes:
> Would anyone be willing to compile a custom kernel for us? One without
> TGA support? It's a PC164 system, with an Adaptec 3940 wide SCSI adapter.
> Further details available on request.

I can try to get to it tomorrow.  Do you prefer a dev kernel (2.1.85
is supposed to be stable on alphas), or 2.0.34pre2?

Also, are there any drivers that might need to be specially updated?
Like does a stock aic7XXX driver do the 3940, etc..

In fact, if you have some kernel source laying around on another
machine, could you try to config an appropriate .config file that you
could then mail?  That seems least likely to cause problems.

Michael Alan Dorman               |     E-Mail: mdorman@law.miami.edu
Network Administrator             |             Phone: (305) 284-2463
University of Miami School of Law |               Fax: (305) 284-3753

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