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Compiler still buggy

I tried today to compile Tcl on Alpha.  While Tcl does have numerous 64-bit
cleanliness issues, compiling with -O2 causes the irc client zircon, which I
maintain, to report "network is unreachable" whenever connecting to any
server.  Compiling with -O0 makes Zircon mostly work on Alpha.  Zircon is
pure Tcl code, BTW.

This indicates to me that we still have insidious compiler bugs.  And I had
hoped that I could forever abolish nasty hacks to use -O0 instead of -O2.


(The tcl I tried compiling was 8.0.4-2 from Incoming.  I have not uploaded
this version, pending installation of it into the archive proper.  I had the
same problem on earlier Tcl versions.)

John Goerzen   Linux, Unix consulting & programming   jgoerzen@complete.org |
Developer, Debian GNU/Linux (Free powerful OS upgrade)       www.debian.org |
Visit the Air Capital Linux Users Group on the web at http://www.aclug.org

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