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Re: updating latest distribution w/ dselect

Robin Stephenson <robin.stephenson@blackwell.co.uk> writes:

> Excuse me if this is not an Alpha-specific problem.
> I recently tried to use dselect to upgrade some packages.  It now
> complains about not being able to get packages from
> /dists/unstable/*/binary-alpha/* -- unsurprising, since when I check
> the FTP site they're not there.  I've tried going through [A]ccess and
> entering `dists/sid/main dists/sid/contrib dists/sid/non-free' as the
> list of distributions to get, but it still tries to get things from
> unstable.  I've tried `dpkg --clear-avail', but to no avail (hah).
> Also, the package descriptions seem to have been horked.  Bah.
> There's nothing much on this machine yet -- maybe I should reinstall?
> Which is the definitive location for the up-to-date Alpha
> distribution?  Should I be using `potato'?

Better use apt-get for installation. Its much faster when you know
the name of the Package you want.

Also falk Hueffner has some nice config for his zsh. When entering
"apt-get install" and pressing <tab> a list of packages will be
given. When the start of a package is entered, zsh will try to
complete it or give a list of matches. A realy nice feature. :)

May the Source be with you.

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