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Loic´s URL and menu package bug


is the correct address (note the hyphen instead of the dot)

update-menus segfaults - this seems to be related to the STL library (which is in libstdc++2.8).
I don´t have to much experience with templates ...
Well after all this seems to be a problem from the egcs package then ? 
(I´m using the one from slink)


From:  Bob McElrath[SMTP:mcelrath@draal.physics.wisc.edu]
Sent:  Monday, September 28, 1998 3:13 PM
To:  debian-alpha@lists.debian.org
Subject:  Re: On Documentation

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Paul Slootman wrote:

> On Mon 28 Sep 1998, Marc A. Volovic wrote:
> > > 4) Booting MILO with AlphaBios
> > 
> > Can _anyone_ write this? I've done this once but it was so painful that I
> > used the debug monitor to boot thereafter.
> The http://lhpca.univ.lyon1.fr/axp/README file is pretty clear on that.
> Or do you mean something else? I used that file as a guide when doing my
> last reinstall, and it worked perfectly.

This URL appears to be broken...and this is exactly the info I'm looking
for!  Does anyone have a copy or know the correct url?

-- Bob

 / Rube Goldberg? Bah! Amateur! I give you..Windows 98! Linux everywhere \ 
| Linux, because everyone's work is mission critical.   ANYTHING inside.  |
|_Bob McElrath (mcelrath@wisconsin.cern.ch) Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison_|

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