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Re[2]: On Documentation

For the bug tracking, you might like to look at the jitterbug package that 
Andrew Tridge (ANU/Samba) wrote.

Jim Leven

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Subject: Re: On Documentation
Author:  <debian-alpha@lists.debian.org> at smtplink
Date:    28/9/98 12:22

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Guenter Geiger wrote:
> The Debian  Alpha Port Page needs a maintainer. This should be a structured 
merge of existing archives.
> And links to useful information (All together in one place .. 
I'd be happy to take care of the page since it was mine to begin with :-) 
(have the CVS stuff here and have been updating it when I can).  Tell me 
what you all want up there and I'll change it asap.
> There should be a more constructive approach for bug reports 
> (Does anyone remember our bug report page at 
>         http://genie.ucd.ie/alpha/debian.html
I was thinking of this during my downtime.  I didn't come up with anything 
good, though.  Any suggestions?  I do have the Alpha bug tracking stuff 
here, so I could start it up here if needed.
> Do we already have someone who runs  Lars's dbuild engine ? (There was a 
publicly unanswered 
> request from Lars a few weeks ago) 
I missed this one. I would love to learn and install it on alpha.debian.nl 
(where it would do the most good obviously).
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