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Re: MILO status

Nikita Schmidt <cetus@snowball.ucd.ie> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 06:44:48AM -0400, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> > 
> > The binary MILO image for the avanti is missing whatever TGA changes
> > made it into milo-avanti-980606; I get the infamous green-screen when
> > I try it. When I try milo-avanti-980606, I get Fatal error: not enough memory
> > from milo. I'd love to know what the TGA changes that went into milo-avanti-980606
> > were, since it doesn't have the goofy cursor problem, and aside from that
> > I already have a milo that works, sans green-screen.
> The released MILO sources do not support 24-plain TGA cards, and neither
> does my `avanti.free' image from genie.ucd.ie.  Look into the Avanti
> directory on genie for a newer MILO image which supposedly has the new
> TGA support.
> The TGA related changes are in milo-tga.diff, if you are interested.

I did indeed try those. Not "not enough memory" error, just only got me
(about) as far as I was: cursor's still goofy (8 characters wide) and with
said patch, when text reaches the bottom of the screen, the left half only
will scroll, and the right will not.

My guess is whatever patches made it into milo-avanti-980606 latch the BT
cursor and the dec chip cursor, (an uneducated guess) as does SRM, and not
ARC. So The easiest way to solve this, when I get time, is to instrument
milo to dump registers, then boot it from both srm and arc, and see what
srm has done that arc has not. Then, do what srm has done, and the cursor
support should "just work", at least for me. The "too far to the right"
cursor I've heard reports of and not seen sounds like a second problem.

It's just a matter of getting time to instrument milo to dump registers,
and then being home long enough to do anything with milo.

> If the "not enough memory" error still persists, can you connect a
> terminal to the first serial port (COM1/ttyS0) on 9600/8/N, capture the
> output and send it to me?

Only happens with the "we have no source" milo. Oh well.


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