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Re: hamm on a ruffian machine?

Dear All,

Gerhard's problem seems not to be the standard one...hence I do not know
the answer.  Can someone else on the list help -- ideally someone with a

Here is what Gerhard wrote; (the homepage mentioned is Loic's):

> Sorry, I only tried the ruffian kernels from the DEC site, and the 2.0.34p11b
> is the only working kernel of all ruffian kernels I tried..
> Can I use another kernel (despite of Deskstation firmware?)?
> The kernel writes:
> pyxis_init: skipping window register rewrites... trust DeskStation firmware..
> The SCSI controller has allocated IRQ 20 (PCI bus 1, device 13).
> I looked at the hompepage you told me, and my question is:
> Could it help to redo anything with the boot-floppies2.0.6?
>                                         Gerhard Schneider
> waiting for getting a running system to compile the kernel by himself..

Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, Ph.D., prof.associé  <Kristoffer.Rose@ENS-Lyon.FR>
Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme  équipe PLUME, bureau LR5-026
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon; 46, Allée d'Italie; F-69364 Lyon 07 cedex
phone: +33(0)4 7272 8642; fax:...8080    <http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~krisrose>

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