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Re: Kernel version and dpkg bug?

In article <[🔎] m0y89Sp-0002EzC@eros.cs.hut.fi>, Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi> wrote:
>When I try to run 2.1.85 or 2.1.88, and install ncurses-base_1.9.9g-8.deb
>(md5sum 9bb12011c945a1d425cbb5e4300dbaba), I get an error message about
>being unable to set ownership of a symlink and then a "Segmentation
>violation", and the package doesn't get installed. When I try to do the
>same with 2.0.33, it works. This is bug #18575, as far as I can see.
>Does anyone have a workaround or fix for 2.1.88?

It should have been fixed by Linus in 2.1.86 or 2.1.87 AFAIK. In fact
I'm sure it was 2.1.86. Perhaps the Alpha is different ?

(Linus put lchown() on the old chown() system call number, thereby
retaining backwards binary compatibility).

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  
    miquels@cistron.nl  |  Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

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