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What I do to install on PC164

Here's what I do to almost install Debian on a Alpha PC164. Feel free
to point out any mistakes.

	1. Install Red Hat (actually, a co-worker did that), since I
	   can't get the Debian installation disks to work. The kernel
	   refuses to mount the ramdisk image. (This may or may not be
	   a problem with the way my kernel is configured.)
	2. Make a partition and filesystem for Debian.

	3. Get hamm/hamm/disks-alpha/1997-08-12/base1_3.tgz. Unpack it into
	   the Debian partition.
	4. Create suitable etc/fstab (don't forget /proc!), etc/hostname
	   (just the hostname, not the domain), etc/init.d/network (copy
	   one from a working Debian/i386 installaion, but with
	   a 2.1 kernel, remove the "route add -net" command), and
	5. Boot into Debian.
	6. Set root password.
	7. Configure the keyboard.
	8. Try to upgrade packages, using packaged mirrored to a local
	   disk and dpkg, not dselect.

This is where things tend to go wrong, and I have to start from scratch. :)
For example, at one point, after upgrading some package (I forget which),
and getting the problem with the symlink chowning I mentioned earlier,
ldconfig stopped working and nothing interesting would install anymore.
And now my sysvinit upgrade failed, and the system wouldn't even boot
properly anymore (gets as far as init, but no further).

Perhaps I should try to avoid upgrading only what I must when I try the
next install.

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