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Urgent: Manipulating large libraries


I posted this to the Redhat list first - but if any of you (more sensible
:-) ) people can help, I'd be much obliged.



Nikhil Nair
Trinity College, Cambridge, England
Tel.: +44 1223 368353
Email: nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 21:07:47 +0100 (BST)
From: Nikhil Nair <nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk>
To: axp-list@redhat.com
Subject: Urgent: Manipulating large libraries


Has anyone experience with manipulating (ar, ranlib etc.) large libraries,
of the order of tens of MB?

I need to order an Alpha this week.  Budget restrictions mean I either get
a 21164 366MHz / 1MB cache with 128MB SDRAM, or get a slightly faster
machine with 64MB SDRAM.

I've tried manipulating a large library (^17MB) on an old 60MHz Pentium,
working on a SCSI-2 Jaz drive (so the disk is not too slow).  A make,
doing lots of ranlib's, takes nearly 30 minutes even if there are no
changes; on an IBM rs/6000 43P (not a particularly fast workstation), it
takes just a few seconds!

I'm rather worried.  Swapping was not excessive - I have 24MB RAM, and at
most 2MB of swap was in use.  The disk was going most of the time, so I
think ranlib on my PC was reading the huge lib in each time, whereas on
the 43P (which has 192 MB), it was held in memory.

If this is the case, will I have a problem with only 64MB - there may be
insufficient memory to buffer the whole lib (would it be buffered
anyway)?  A 17MB lib on an i586 would be larger on an Alpha, wouldn't it
(I've heard that Alpha executables are larger)?  Maybe I could put the lib
in a large ramdisk ... but I'd need a lot of memory.

I'd *really* appreciate any advice.  I don't have much more than a day to
make up my mind, so please hurry if you can.



Nikhil Nair
Trinity College, Cambridge, England
Tel.: +44 1223 368353
Email: nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk

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