Re: Installation from current
Pasi Pirhonen <> writes:
> rcs_5.7-4
> cvs_1.9-1
Rebuilt versions are on master, sitting in REJECT until they can be
manually dealt with.
> /lib only i only found one package
> libbfd27
> which is removable too? At least there aren't any packages dependant of
> that. That's pretty much it.
libbfd27 is obsolete.
> On the other hand, i think i'll have to build new base.tgz with new
> packages.
That would be good. Please wait until this weekend, if you could, so
that we can try and insure that all the packages I have recompiled
make it into the archive.
> the modutils at least needs to be compiled with newer binutils?
I can do that. I suspect there's a newer modutils as well.
> I think i'll begin to build at least some of those packages after
> the system installs 'out-of-the-box'. i just yesterday received
> ~8.5GB more disk ;)
Lucky sod. I've limping along with ~2. I have to do an unfortunate
amount of shuffling of stuff.
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