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Re: Minor ROCm Packaging Suggestions

Hi all,

Christian Kastner, on 2024-03-13:
> On 2024-03-13 16:57, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> > I was talking with Petter about the rocdbgapi package and he suggested
> > two changes that might apply to all the ROCm packages:
> > 
> >  1. Add d/gbp.conf with pristine-tar = True.
> Sounds good. I guess we all have our own .gbp.conf tweaked but new
> contributors will trip over this (as you've pointed out to me).
> I'd probably also add patch-numbers = False for packages that don't have
> numbered patches.

Seconded, I often resort to package local d/gbp.conf to adjust
to differing teams policies requirements, so I don't have to
think too much about these implementation details.

> >  2. Add the upstream maintainer email to the package information (after
> >     verifying that it is being monitored).
> Sounds fine either way, but just to clarify, do you mean to the package
> description, or the "Upstream-Contact" field of d/copyright?

It could be it.  I also found a Security-Contact field in the
d/upstream/metadata file of python-biopython, but I don't
believe it is as much used as the d/copyriright field.

> > These seem pretty reasonable to me. Any thoughts on adopting them across
> > the board?
> Thumbs up from me.

Thumbs up from me as well.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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