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Re: 5.7 Release Plan / Timeline?


I have to watch out for the workload I accumulate, so thanks
Christian for the opportunity to settle things for the upcoming

M. Zhou, on 2023-09-17:
> pytorch and pytorch-cuda are in good shape now. I was looking into
> the missing build dependencies for pytorch-rocm and then started
> pushing 5.7.0 packages into experimental.
> The packages in unstable is a little bit old. Pytorch upstream
> build their nightly rocm packages against rocm 5.6.0, so I think
> we will sooner or later bump the version as well.

Yes, the most core components haven't changed since ROCm 5.2,
and they required some manual adjustments to be on par with the
rest of the toolchain (among other things, I got rid of a gcc-12
patch in rocm-smi).

> Breadths: I'm still trying to catch up with the latest progress
> for this stack. But my move will be predictable. I will go from
> the bottom to to top along the dependency tree
> https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/community/team-project
> Every missing dependency for pytorch-rocm will be on my radar.

I must admit keeping the lights on took over over bringing
acceleration support to tensorflow on my end.  Ramping from the
bottom to the top of the stack is predictable, will see if there
is a mean to help without colliding with your work though,
because this reduces opportunities for parallelization.

> Upgrading obstable: Yes. I'll need to figure them out in
> experimental when upgrading the packages and catch up.

Yes, I agree I don't want to throw that kind of entropy to
unstable right away.  Experimental is the right place to test
the possibly bad interactions between the different components.

> On Sun, 2023-09-17 at 18:54 +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:
> >   * Infrastructure: I was looking forward to seeing how this process
> >     runs through CI infra, to iron out the final bugs. To that end, it
> >     would help me if uploaders interact with the platform: what's not
> >     working for you, what's missing, etc.

Thanks, will keep an eye on it.  Any issues, we should just
point them out on the mailing list?

Have a good night,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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 `. `'   sent from /dev/tty1, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Anubis - The Passing Bell (Parts 1-6)

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