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Re: Change in upstream ROCm compilersupport and device libs

Thanks Jeremy! That's fantastic news!

On 2023-08-30 15:08, Jeremy Newton wrote:
> I just wanted to inform the maintainers of rocm-device-libs and rocm-compilersupport that I've been working with upstream to better support upstream LLVM with ROCm.
> There are now some release branches created on github for llvm 17, see [1] [2].
> I'm told that the organisation will be a bit different for LLVM 18, but it gives you a good preview for now. They've also been talking about moving HIPCC to its own LLVM release branch, but we can figure that out a bit later. Feel free to take this as a base when Debian upgrades to LLVM 17.

Étienne, I take back everything I said about waiting [3]. Feel free to begin preparing comgr and the devicelibs whenever you are ready. I was mostly worried about duplicate work on the patches required for those two libraries, but it seems they're not a problem thanks to Jeremy's efforts.

I suppose we could still wait for ROCM 5.7 before updating rocm-hipamd itself, but even then... maybe that's not so important.

Cory Bloor

> [1] https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-Device-Libs/tree/release/17.x
> [2] https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-CompilerSupport/tree/release/17.x
[3]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/2023/08/msg00136.html

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