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Re: August ROCm Package Testing Results

Hi Cory,

Cordell Bloor, on 2023-08-27:
> LLVM 17 RC3 is already available in experimental [1] and ROCm 5.7 is also on
> RC3. Unfortunately, the lower-stack components of ROCm do not publish their
> sources until the final release [2], but I would suggest we wait-and-see for
> a couple weeks. It certainly makes sense to stage our updates in
> experimental, but I suspect it will be less total work to update from ROCm
> 5.2 to 5.7 than to go from ROCm 5.2 to 5.6 to 5.7.

Thank you for your feedback, I'll hold my horses then.  It's
good to know the required llvm toolchain version is aleady on
the radar.

> If you're itching to get back into ROCm before then, might I suggest
> packaging rocdbgapi [3]? I filed the ITP for that, but now realize that I
> have overbooked my time. It may be a while before I get to that library.

Acknowledge, I will see if I can put some cycles on finalizing
this one before considering upstream upgrade of the compiler

> That said, there's nothing harmful about first updating to ROCm 5.6, if
> that's what you want to do. If you're volunteering to do the work, then I'm
> certainly not going to complain about how you do it.

The newer upstream versions tend to show up in my todo list, so
I tend to have them on the radar.  We'll see whether I can wait
for the 5.7 release or if I end up beginning some of the upgrade
work before time.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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   `-    on air: Spock's Beard - The Ballet Of The Impact

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