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Re: rocBLAS on arm64 and ppc64el

On 2023-07-17 15:51 -0600, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> I see three possible solutions:
> 1. The timeout could be increased. I expect that the Tensile build would
> eventually complete successfully.
> 2. The rocblas library could be built without Tensile on arm64 and ppc64el.
> Without Tensile, some parts of the rocBLAS API would be missing the
> performance of the library would be greatly reduced.
> 3. We could limit the rocblas library to amd64.
> Any thoughts?

Please don't do 3. arm64 is an important architecture, and we aim for
parity with x86 wherever possible.

There is a 4) option here: make the tests run faster. I don't know if
there is scope for optimisation to speed things up, or if it's just
that the arm64 buildds are lower than the amd64 ones.  We (the buildd
team) are in the process of procuring some faster arm64 hardware which
should improve things like autotest times. I don't know how much
though. I guess they could go twice as fast because the old machines
are 6 or 7 years old and quite slow in comparison to what is available
now (which buildds were the test run on?)

I believe there is a mechanism to extend the test timeouts for
packages that need it, although I'm failing to find info right now.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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