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One thing that surprised me about the librocrand package was the version number. The package is librocrand1 [1], which was not what I was expecting. The existing rocrand package is described in the changelog as "rocRAND-2.10.12 for ROCm 5.0.0" [2], and neither of those numbers have the major version "1". After some research, I've come to believe that the ROCm math libraries are not handling the VERSION [3] and SOVERSION [4] properties correctly.

All of the ROCm math libraries now follow semantic versioning. Since ROCm 4.3 they have been expected to provide full API and ABI compatibility across minor and patch version bumps. The compatibility commitment is akin to that provided by Qt. The only time when a breaking change is allowed is on a major version bump. That is reflected in the rocRAND version number 2.10.12. If there were a breaking change, the major version would be incremented from 2 to 3. For other releases, either the minor or the patch version number would be incremented. The rocRAND library is functionally complete, so recently it has only been incrementing the patch version number.

The rocRAND VERSION and SOVERSION properties have not been changed since they were set to 1.1 in ROCm 2.7. I'm not particularly familiar with the library VERSION or SOVERSION properties, but I suspect that is not the correct way to use them. If I've understood correctly, they should be incremented with each release.

I've read that it's a red flag when the SOVERSION matches the library version, but as far as I can tell, that is common for libraries that follow semantic versioning. For example, Qt5Core has a SONAME that includes the major version number 5 and symlinks that match the library version number.

My proposal for handling VERSION and SOVERSION moving forward is that starting with ROCm 6.0, they would be set using the library version number. For a library like rocBLAS (which will be making breaking changes in ROCm 6.0), that would mean a progression like:

ROCm 5.4.0
Library Version: 2.46.0
SONAME: librocblas.so.0

ROCm 5.5.0
Library Version: 2.47.0
SONAME: librocblas.so.0

ROCm 6.0.0
Library Version: 3.0.0
VERSION: 3.0.0
SONAME: librocblas.so.3

ROCm 6.1.0
Library Version: 3.1.0
VERSION: 3.1.0
SONAME: librocblas.so.3

Strictly speaking, ROCm just needs to start incrementing the SOVERSION. It doesn't have to be increased to match the VERSION. However, given that semantic versioning will keep the two in sync, I'm thinking they might as well skip ahead to make them match and keep things simple.

This is not my area of expertise, but given that Debian sets the package name based on the SONAME, I suspect that you folks may have some knowledge on the subject. If I'm totally wrong about this VERSION/SOVERSION business, please let me know before I make an idiot out myself.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/rocrand/-/blob/debian%2F5.0.0-2/debian/control#L23 [2]: https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/rocrand/-/blob/debian%2F5.0.0-2/CHANGELOG.md#rocrand-21012-for-rocm-500
[2]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.25/prop_tgt/VERSION.html
[4]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.25/prop_tgt/SOVERSION.html

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