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Re: Debian package for Alire 1.2.1

Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas@debian.org> writes:
> It does not make sense to *integrate* a tool intending to overlap with
> distribution-specific integration tools like dpkg or rpm.
> On the other hand, Debian may *distribute* Alire.

I agree that it is important for end users to understand the differences
between a source package manager like alire and a binary package manager
like dpkg.

Moreover, my first experience building alire itself suggests that the
"normal" way for alire projects is to duplicate and recompile sources of
libraries, for each use of said libraries.  I hope I am wrong because
alire might be or become a powerful tool to produce more Debian binary
packages from upstream sources, *if* it supports precompiled libraries.

Ludovic Brenta.

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