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Re: transition to gcc-12, state of Ada in Debian

> > I am about to upload new ghdl packages once I get the remaining issues


> > fixed. I switched it to gcc/gnat-11 as that is the current default for
> > Ada.
> > There are more changes coming, so there will be a bunch of uploads as
> > they get implemented. At what point would you say it is best to switch
> > to gcc-12?

> Yes.  From my understanding, gcc-11 is going to be removed from Debian
> before the freeze.  You may want to skip some uploads if that reduces
> your workload, and upgrade directly to gcc-12.

I share the feeling that gcc-11 won’t be tolerated in next release
if/once ghdl is the only reverse dependency left.

For other Ada packages,

  we want compatible gnat, gcc, g++ default versions in stable

Gprbuild is becoming the de facto standard, and a decade of attempts
by several maintainers to let gprconfig select
g{cc,++,whatever}-$(gnat_version) without (or even with) an explicit
configuration have failed in the end.

We need to support gnat/=gcc during transitions, but I fear related
bugs in a stable release.

The transition to gnat-12 is on its way in experimental.  I intend to
ask the removal from testing of any package blocking this transition.

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