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Re: Please revert the patches in bug #54040 and #59346 and special case x32

On Wed, 2014-04-09 at 14:41 +0200, Arnaud Charlet wrote:
> > What do you think, Arno?  I think that the POSIX breakage (and its fallout for
> > the other Unices) is ugly and worth the additional complication.
> Yes, your patch looks good to me.

Would it be possible to have s-osinte-posix.adb also for x32 and in
s-osinte-x32.ads use the following construct:
   type timespec is private;
   type timespec is record
      tv_sec  : time_t;
      tv_nsec : long log;
   end record;
   pragma Convention (C, timespec);

and similiar for timeval if needed?

That's the construct other unices use now when s-osinte-posix.adb
defines tv_nsec as time_t?

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