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Compiling the latest Ahven with gcc 4.6


I noticed that gcc-ada/gnat shipped with Fedora 15/i386 dies to internal error
when it tries to compile Ahven from https://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/ahven.

Has anyone experienced same with Debian and gcc 4.6 or is it just Fedora-
specific error?

gnatls reports following version on Fedora 15:
4.6.0 20110509 (Red Hat 4.6.0-7)

Error where the building dies is:
gcc -c -g -gnatf -gnatVa -gnato -gnatwe -gnatwa -gnatwl -gnatE -gnatwF -gnatyd3ibmhex -gnat95 -I- -gnatA /home/tkoskine/work/ahven/src/ahven-tap_runner.adb
Message: namet.adb:655

gnatmake: INTERNAL ERROR. Please report.
make: *** [build_lib] Error 4

Steps to preproduce:
1. hg clone https://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/ahven && cd ahven
2. hg update -r ac47736c2d83
3. make

Sorry for noise if gcc 4.6 on Debian compiles this just fine. In that case,
I'll file a bug to Fedora bug tracker.

 Tero Koskinen

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