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Re: [orca] Re: (solved) orca's strange behavior in a crowded terminal


Interesting... So it's tmux as source which poses problem,
for whatever reason. And you don't have a /etc/tmux.conf or a

Christian Schoepplein, le mer. 25 oct. 2023 09:50:26 +0200, a ecrit:
> If I open a tmux session and copy multiline content from this session with 
> the new flatfview feature from orca and not with brltty's COPY_RECT feature 

Ok, how do you copy from orca exactly? The 

  FLAT_REVIEW_COPY = _("Copy the contents under flat review to the clipboard")

Orca command? Or braille routing keys?

Could you kill your xbrlapi, then try to run 

  xbrlapi -v -n 2> log

then perform the failing copy/paste, and send us the log?

Also, could you try if you can reproduce the issue with orca without
xbrlapi running?


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