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Re: [orca] Re: (solved) orca's strange behavior in a crowded terminal

Hi Samuel,

On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 12:36:28AM +0200, Jérémy Prego wrote:
>for me, everything looks good compared to the version in debian testing

I've also installed the packages you build yesterday and did some testing.

The problem with the statusbar from apt seems to be gone, very cool, and 
also a ruptured console, that I had very ofthen after leaving mutt, did not 
occure so far. Thats a big improvement.

But there are still a few problematic things:

In some situations line breaks are not interpreted correctly. E.g. if
you install packages with apt and the triggers are processed you normaly get 
a seperate line for every trigger. With the new versions of the packages 
the output for all triggers are displayed in one long line. You can trigger 
this behaviour also with the translate tool. The following command displays 
the output in a long line instead dividing it into seperate lines:

translate -i occure

Also the problem that the screen content is not refreshed when deleting 
lines in a long text e.g. in the nano editor is still there. Just try the 

ls -1 /dev > test.txt

Open the test.txt file, scrol down some pages and then delete a line with 

On my machine I have to clear the screen with ctrl+l to see that the line 
has been removed on the braille display.



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