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Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup?

Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, High voices are currently at these prices. 

 Price Discount
Voxin + IBM TTS 4.19 EUR 0%
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, Compact 22.1 EUR 36%
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, Pro 26 EUR 36%
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, High 29.91 EUR

To make the confusion complete Vocalizer Embedded is sometimes called Voxin Eloquence. 

I'd love for there to be an emacspeak engine for Vocalizer Embedded voices but it's all volunteer and people can only contribute when they have free time. I once suggested that some on the emacspeak list underwrite a stipend for the software developer by contributing $25.00 each to the effort. No one except me volunteered to pay, so maybe three years later we are still waiting for the volunteer developer to make an emacspeak engine.

Emacspeak engines exist for:

1.) espeak
2.) Voxin IBM TTS
3.) Various hardware devices like DECTalk. 

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023, 1:15 PM D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@arrl.net> wrote:
Installing Voxin in Debian gives Voxin in the console. 
I have the Zoe ML Eloquence High voice installed from Voxin. Sample here: https://voxin.oralux.org/audio/zoe-ml-embedded-high.wav

Voxin + IBM TTS 4.19 EUR 
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, Compact 22.1 EUR 
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, Pro 26 EUR 
Voxin + Vocalizer Embedded, High 29.91 EUR

Unfortunately, it's not yet possible to have Voxin Eloquence engine inside emacspeak the audio desktop, but I understand this is being worked on.
It IS possible to use the Voxin IBMTTS - the old IBM Voxin voices inside emacspeak, so often I just use spd-conf to configure the old IBMTTS voice and use Voxin Eloguence Zoe ML in terminal under MATE using ORCA.

Voxin emacspeak installer for IBMTTS ONLY: https://github.com/Oralux/emacspeak_voxin_install


On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 2:06 PM K0LNY <glenn@ervin.email> wrote:
If the console is only giving espeak, I have changed that with spd-conf and
using voxin or in my case, ibmtts for the default TTS.
But with espeak-ng, there are some better voice selections, so maybe it can
be fixed that way too.
Not as good as Voxin, but better than the default espeak for sure.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chime Hart" <chime@hubert-humphrey.com>
To: "K0LNY" <glenn@ervin.email>
Cc: "Al Puzzuoli" <alpuzz@gmail.com>;
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup?

> Well, Glen, I would think if you switch to an actual console, you would
> want Voxin. It would probably just switch focus-and-switch from an ORCA to
> Speakup. But yes I have seen this when I was trying out Slint.
> Chime

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