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Re: Voxin Almost Works

Hi David,
Oralux informed me that at this time, Voxin 3X only works with 64 bit 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@arrl.net>
To: "K0LNY_Glenn" <glenn@ervin.email>
Cc: <debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2022 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: Voxin Almost Works

The current version of voxin is voxin 3.3rc6,

Voxin 2.2.1 is really old and probably will NOT work.


22 August 2022: Voxin 3.3rc6


Orca and speech-dispatcher (versions 0.9 to 0.11)
x86_64 for Vocalizer Embedded or IBM TTS
ARM (v7-a, v8-a) for Vocalizer Embedded

Voxin 3.3rc6 embeds one of the 400 voices of Vocalizer Embedded or IBM
TTS for several GNU/Linux distributions.

The objective is to have more TTS choices for Orca, Emacspeak and
possibly the console based screen readers on various architectures.

Compatible with:
Arch Linux (August 2022)
Debian 8, 10, 11 (testing)
LibreELEC 10.0/Raspberry Pi
Raspbian GNU/Linux 11
Slint 14.2.1 (August 2022)
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04

Voxin 3.3rc6 is compatible with Emacspeak (IBM TTS), Fenrir,
Orca/Speech-Dispatcher, SBL,.compatible Emacspeak 53.0 and more recent

Best wishes,


On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 5:42 PM K0LNY_Glenn <glenn@ervin.email> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Gilles at Oralux sent me an update script to update Voxin to 2.2.1, and
> direction to install speech-dispatcher-ibmtts, then update.
> Well I'm getting closer, but it still isn't right, because spd-say does 
> not
> work, but if I run spd-conf and select ibmtts and alsa, I hear the voxin,
> but still, spd-say test, is silent, and espeakup isn't using it.
> Could it be that spd-conf is not hooking to some other files, possibly
> because I installed python3-speech-dispatcher, several days back?
> Thanks for any help.
> Glenn

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