Cannot Connect To WIFI
I must be missing something, maybe someone here can assist.
I put my working wpa_supplicant file in /etc/wpa_supplicant folder.
My wireless according to ip is called wlp1s0
I don't get the first part of the below, but I ran the command
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c
and it seemed successful, but it still says network is unreachable when I
ping stuff.
Here's some of what I found on-line:
How to use wpa_supplicant
The wpa_supplicant tool can configure network interfaces and connect to
wireless networks. It is intended to run as a daemon and other command to
it. A basic configuration is as follows.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
On the first line GROUP=wheel allows any user in the wheel group to connect
to an manage wireless connections. To limit wireless connectivity to the
account remove this. This file should be created as root and saved in the
/etc/wpa_supplicant directory. The file may be called anything but for this
it is called example.conf. Once this file is created wpa_supplicant may be
started by running the following command as root.
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp3s0b1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/example.conf
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
The -B option runs the daemon in the background. The -i option specifies the
network interface to use. This is the interface name discovered using the
ip command. The -c options specifies the configuration file to be used.
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