I received this on the SLINT mail list. I've removed personality identifying parts of the email, if any person here needs to email that person, contact me and I'll relay the request. It shouldn't be necessity, he just identifies an accessibility problem in mate-terminal. MATE Terminal Emulator Accessibility: it won't let users scroll upwards to review.
Oh and to answer your question for why I want contracted braille in Console when I am a Graphical user. Its because the MATE Terminal Emulator is not always as accessible as I need it to be. So if I need to install something, or just reading slint-doc, it often won't let me scroll upwards to read whatever it just spoke, or to see how a file name is spelled for refference etc.
MATE Terminal is ok, so long as I don't need finite navigation. But if I want to navigate through lists etc, it doesn't always work. So then I need to open up the Console.
Unless there is a way to make MATE Terminal Emulator more accessible, but I don't think there is.
Again thank you so much, I really appreciate the help and I've finally got contracted braille in Console now.
I'm irritated by this behavior of MATE Terminal Emulator also but I only have low vision not blindness using a sensory (dot making) Braille interface.