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Re: Console Font for Lower Vision People


Le 7/01/20 à 16:55, Alexandre ARNAUD a écrit :
> Does the TerminusBold32x16.psf.gz should work too?

that's the same font, only the shipped glyphs differ, ter-v* having
the most. From the README:

2.4. Legend.

names	mappings		covered codepage(s)

ter-1*	iso01, iso15, cp1252	ISO8859-1, ISO8859-15, Windows-1252
ter-2*	iso02, cp1250		ISO8859-2, Windows-1250
ter-7*	iso07, cp1253		ISO8859-7, Windows-1253
ter-9*	iso09, cp1254		ISO8859-9, Windows-1254
ter-c*	cp1251, iso05		Windows-1251, ISO8859-5
ter-d*	iso13, cp1257		ISO8859-13, Windows-1257
ter-g*	iso16			ISO8859-16
ter-i*	cp437			IBM-437
ter-k*	koi8r			KOI8-R
ter-m*	mik			Bulgarian-MIK
ter-p*	pt154			Paratype-PT154
ter-u*	koi8u			KOI8-U

ter-v*	all mappings / code pages listed above and many others, about 110
	language sets, 8 or 16 foreground colors depending on the kernel and
	console driver

names	style

ter-*n	normal
ter-*b	bold
ter-*f	framebuffer-bold

PS and OT for Alex: David doesn't want to use fbterm on the console
because he prefers to keep speech, but IIRC you don't so you should
really try it if not already done.

For instance:
fbterm -s 4O
4O is the font size, you may make it as big as you want.

To get out of the frame buffer just press Ctrl+d

Happy New Year to all.



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