Hello, I just subscribed to this list to post this message. This message is an answer to the thread started by: https://lists.debian.org/debian-accessibility/2018/10/msg00000.html @Keith: If you don't use pulseaudio, the issue could be an unexpected consequence of applying since Thu, 03 May 2018 the patch audio-pause: "Pause espeak when the console is switched to a graphical VT" Let me say how I got there. I am the maintainer of the Slint distribution, based on Slackware, cf. http://slint.fr. In Slint we have no issue switching back an forth between console and graphical modes, thus Alex Arnaud suggested that I have a look at Debian testing. I installed Debian Buster in a VirtualBox VM today, switched to starting in console mode (systemctl set-default multi-user.target) then compared the alsa and pulseaudio settings with those of Slint64- I then made these changes: 1) Edit /etc/pulse/default.pa to append these lines: load-module module-alsa-sink device=dmix load-module module-alsa-source device=dsnoop 2) In /usr/share/alsa, remove the files pukse-alsa.conf and alsa.conf.d/alsa.conf, to avoid setting pulseaudio as the default plugin for applications using Alsa when pulseaudio is running. I also disabled autostarting of pulseaudio at the user level, appending: "Hidden=true" to the file /etc/xdg/autostart/pukseaudio.desktop but maybe that doesn't matter. Anyway pulseaudio is spawned by the applications that need it. I made these changes so that applications using pulseaudio and applications using alsa directly can nicely coexist, not stepping on each others toes. But these changes were not sufficient to solve the issue so I had a look at the speakup Debian package. Seeing the aforementioned patch I thought that it could cause the issue. To check I just replaced /usr/bin/espeakup by the binary shipped in Slint and it worked. I know, ugly hack but it was easier for me than to rebuild a Debian package (I am not a Debian user). I understand that you won't be interested by my settings of alsa and pulseaudio as you don't use pulseaudio, but this could also solve the issue mentioned in the thread "pulseaudio and espeakup" beginning with this message : https://lists.debian.org/debian-accessibility/2017/12/msg00089.html I don't know if the modifications I made are acceptable by the Debian authorities though ;) Last word: now when the desktop starts after "startx" I hear the messages triggered by startx, but then one can just redirect the output and standard error to some file, of review the patch audio-pause to allow enabling again espeakup when going back to a VT. Oh, and I almost forgot: with the patch when rebooting from Mate the system didn't halt but was stuck with this message (from systemd, I assume): As stop job is running for Software speech output for Speakup This do not happens anymore after having replaced the espeakup binary by the one shipped in Slint. Best regards, Didier
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