Re: wireless configuration
Le 16/05/2017 à 11:55, Christian Schoepplein a écrit :
Hi Alex and all,
Hi Christian,
I use the Mate wireless icon from the top panel.
To access it you can do those steps :
1) control+alt+tab until you hear top panel (or something like that, I'm
in French locale)
2) Do shift+tab until you hear network : it's between battery and sound
3) Press enter on it and after use the list with down arrow
Sorry, this does not work on my system, current Debian testing.
Indeed, I'm talking about Debian stable.
I can get into a pannel when pressing strg+alt+tab, but the only button
I can access in this panel is to activate the desktop when tapping
through the panels elements. Seems like it is the button and not the top
How can I get into the top panel via a keyboard shortcut?
On testing the steps are a little bit differents :
1) Go to the desktop
2) Press ctrL+alt+shift+tab
Best regards.
Visual-Impairment Project Manager
Hypra - "Humanizing technology"
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