Re: wireless configuration
Hi Alex and all,
On Di, Mai 16, 2017 at 11:11:37 +0200, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
>Le 16/05/2017 à 03:03, Mark Peveto a écrit :
>> Using debian with mate desktop, what are folks doing as far as wireless
>> configs...
>I use the Mate wireless icon from the top panel.
>To access it you can do those steps :
>1) control+alt+tab until you hear top panel (or something like that, I'm
>in French locale)
>2) Do shift+tab until you hear network : it's between battery and sound
>3) Press enter on it and after use the list with down arrow
Sorry, this does not work on my system, current Debian testing.
I can get into a pannel when pressing strg+alt+tab, but the only button
I can access in this panel is to activate the desktop when tapping
through the panels elements. Seems like it is the button and not the top
How can I get into the top panel via a keyboard shortcut?
Regards from Munich,
Christian Schoepplein - <chris (at)> -
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