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Bug#798924: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni/libatk-wrapper.so.6.0.0: SIGSEGV on Netbeans startup

When I use Samuel's fix, some C++ code completion doesn't work as expected. In several classes I've tried writing, code completion isn't picking up stuff declared in the header file. When I use a copy of Oracle Java downloaded just for NB (i.e., netbeans_jdkhome="/home/<me>/opt/oracle-java/jre1.8" in /home/<me>/opt/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf), things work as expected.

Note that I am using NB from upstream--so mileage may vary with the Debian package.

Whether this is a new or related bug I can't say, but I thought it worth mentioning in case anyone else is having the same problem.


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