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Lost access to GUI in latest Jessie

I've been using Orca with gnome-flashback happily for the last two
months or so. Yesterday, I updated my system to the latest version of
all packages (I do it about every other week) and seem to have lost
access to the GUI. Orca will load upon hitting ALT+F2 and typing the
command, but nothing further can be done. Furthermore, typing orca -l
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

** (orca:2474): ERROR **: AT-SPI: COuldn't connect to accessibility bus.
   Is at-spi-bus-launcher running?
Trace/breakpoint trap

This seems to suggest that something is wrong with the accessibility
bridge, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about GNOME and at-spi to take
it any further.

Is anybody else experiencing these issues? Are there any known temporary
or permanent solutions?


Sebastien Massy
Montreal, Canada
Website: http://www.wolfdream.ca
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SMassy1
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