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Debian Squeze and administration applications issue

Dear core developers,

I would like to initiate constructive discussion about long time presistent problem not only in Debian distribution. Would You try to make better su-to-root module, which would enable users of Debian Squeze with Gnome live CD to use administration applications? Unfortunately, for now, The onlyone solution which i know about is to kill GDM as a root user, startx as root and then run Orca again, complete Orca setup questions and logout and run startx again as a root from The same console. It is possible, that somebody of us will have more ellegant solution, for example, use some gnome-session module call with special option to avoid killing of GDM.

The fact is, that there are many Linux distros which are triing to solve issues, while Orca is run as a non root user account and other application, The most often administration application such as Gparted is run as root. Ubuntu is suffering for many months because of at-spi-registryd random crashes, other distros are triing to construct some work arounds to solve this issue better, some distros constructors are rather resignating with this faight and they are rather not triing to use visudo command and modifi somethink. For example, core developers of Pclinux OSSS with Gnome.

I Am aware, that it is not easy to solve this issue, because The working solution is not added to The Gnome official packages.

I Am very satisfied with The latest included Gnome and Gnome-orca in Gnome 2.30 with latest awailable DEBian Squeeze updates in repository. Brltty and Orca is cooperating very well, Espeak and Orca communication is also excellent, no random crashes because of conflicts between Espeak and sound servers.

Even many plugins for supporting streaming audio and video is awailable. Thank's to this facts, Debian Squeze live is potentional candidate for accessible multimedia based Linux distro with excellent support from Debian community members.

So would somebody of us try to think about developing new revolutionar algorithm, which will enable visually impaired users of Orca and other at-spi related assistive technology to use applications with The root privileges? You have very probably started to develope this algorithm. I AM ready to debug Yours new techniques. I AM connected to The Internet and i can download huge .iso images, so i AM ready to constructively cooperate with You.

If i can be openheart to You, Debian Squeze and Gnome desktop environment is working very reliably and fast. I tried many Linux Distros, but Debian Squeze is excellent one eventhough i know, that it is The alpha release.

Thank You very much for Yours answer.
With kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

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