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gnome-speech with DECTalk

Salve Mario and Co

Some time ago you explained me what I have to do to work with an 
1. apt-get source gnome-speech
   This fetches the source package of gnome-speech, and unpacks it in the
   current directory.  You'll find a directory like gnome-speech-0.2.7/
2. edit debian/changelog inside of that directory, and add a new version
   entry, something like 1:0.2.7-1.00.dectalk.  This ensures that the package
   you're about to build is considered newer than the currently installed
   version of gnome-speech by dpkg/apt, and also ensures that whenever
   a new version of gnome-speech enteres the repository you configured
   in /etc/apt/sources.list it will also be considered newer than your local
   modification.  However, this also means that whenever there is a new 
   version in the archives, and you run apt-get update&&apt-get upgrade,
   you'll have to repeat this procedure.
3. Make sure DECtalk software is installed (including header files, note that
   they once shipped a version without any header files at all, so make sure
   to check this before you proceed.)
4. apt-get build-dep gnome-speech
5. dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Number 1 is no problem. Number 2 sent an error message which I bypass by not 
modifying the file debian/changelog.
Number 3: DECTalk is installed:
" Please enter your serial number:
Installing libraries
Installing dictionnaries
Installing sample program
Installing include files
setting up DECTalk.conf"
It works and there are some header files (dtmmedefs.h, l_all_ph.h, l_com_ph.h, 
l_gr_ph.h, l_la_ph.h, l_sp_ph.h, l_uk_ph.h, l_us_ph.h and ttsapi.h). Are 
these the right one for the gnome-speech recompilation?
After the recompilation of gnome-speech (number 4 and 5) there was only a 
festival-synthesizer file in debian/usr/bin and no additional 
dectalk-something file even though I saw something about
festival   yes
dectalk    yes
at the recompilation.

Can you help me? Do you see any mistake I made or some files I miss'


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