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Re: How to Teach Online Courses: First meeting

Thank you Dashamir for the meeting last saturday.
It was great!

Best regards,

Em 19/09/2022 13:28, Dashamir Hoxha escreveu:
The recorded meeting, for those who could not attend:
https://peertube.debian.social/w/swR7tDVUeVuDokNmn2NbM8 <https://peertube.debian.social/w/swR7tDVUeVuDokNmn2NbM8>

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Debian Developer
Associado do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
Site: http://phls.com.br
GPG ID: 0443C450

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