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Re: Install Debian 68k using QEmu on Windows

Le 03/01/2020 à 07:41, Carlos Rodrigues a écrit :
> Hi!
> I am wanting to study a little about 68k architecture, and for that I
> want to install Debian on QEmu but I am not getting it because I am
> getting the following error:
> $ qemu-system-m68k.exe -boot d -hda debian_68k.img --cdrom
> debian-10.0-m68k-NETINST-1.iso -m 2048 -cpu m68060 -smp 1 -net nic
> qemu-system-m68k.exe: Kernel image must be specified
> I tried to boot using the kernel image inside the ISO file, but the
> system starts straight into GRUB and I can't boot into the installer

You must specify the machine type with "-machine q800" and don't specify
cpu type (68060 emulation is not really supported for the moment).

You must extract the kernel from the iso with something like that:


VERSION=$(guestfish --add $ISO --mount /dev/sda:/ ls
/install/kernels|sed -n "/vmlinu[xz]-/s/vmlinu[xz]-//p"|sort -n|tail -1)

guestfish --add $ISO --mount /dev/sda:/ copy-out
/install/kernels/vmlinux-$VERSION .
guestfish --add $ISO --mount /dev/sda:/ copy-out /install/cdrom/initrd.gz .

KERNEL="-kernel vmlinux-$VERSION"
INITRD="-initrd initrd.gz"
CDROM="-cdrom $ISO"

$QEMU -M q800 \
      -m 128M \
      -serial none -serial mon:stdio \
      -drive file=$FILE \
      -net nic,model=dp83932,addr=09:00:07:12:34:57,netdev=hostnet0 \
bridge,id=hostnet0,br=virbr0,helper=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper \
      -g 1200x800x24 \
      $KERNEL \
      $INITRD \
      $CDROM \
      -append "console=ttyS0" \

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