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Re: Centris 650 Debian 10 SID Installation


On 6/13/19 6:12 AM, userm57@yahoo.com wrote:
5) The system never reached multiuser mode; the startup sequence looped
on "Starting Network Time Synchronization" (see attached console log
"Centris_650-Debian_10.txt").  The systemd timeout for this task was 1
min 30 sec, but it never succeeded within that limit (I let it try 10
times before forcing a reboot).  I'll try other things, including single
user mode and checking whether I can increase the limit somehow, or
possibly disable network time synchronization temporarily.

You can use "systemctl mask <service-name>" to disable a service
permanently (until you unmask it).

Alternatively, one can specify longer timeout:

I don't think any service explicitly depends on that particular
service, but if you don't have a (working) battery backed up clock,
there are several things which won't work quite correctly, if your
files are newer that the time in your machine.

	- Eero

Systemd journalctl is broken by design.  Although individual service
log messages have counter, so they're always sorted correct, the log
output *between* different logging clients are sorted based only on
timestamps.  Which means that one gets reliable boot service log only
if machine has reliable, battery backed clock, otherwise you get
output which can mix logs from multiple boots...

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