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┌──┤ http://unstable.buildd.net/buildd/m68k_stats ├─────────────────────────┐
│                                                                           │
│   wanna-build statistics - Tue Apr  9 12:53:46 CEST 2013                  │
│   -----------------------------------------------------                   │
│                                                                           │
│ Distribution unstable:                                                    │
│ ---------------------                                                     │
│ Installed       :  7001 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 328, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 50,  │
│                          buildd_m68k-elgar: 81, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 69, │
│                          buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 42, unknown: 6431)          │
│ Needs-Build     :  1046                                                   │
│ Building        :     6 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 1, buildd_m68k-arrakis: 1,     │
│                          buildd_m68k-elgar: 1, buildd_m68k-kullervo: 2,   │
│                          buildd_m68k-vivaldi: 1)                          │
│ Built           :     3 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 2, buildd_m68k-elgar: 1)       │
│ Uploaded        :     0                                                   │
│ Failed          :    25 (buildd_m68k-ara5: 24, tg: 1)                     │
│ Dep-Wait        :     0                                                   │
│ Reupload-Wait   :     0                                                   │
│ Install-Wait    :     0                                                   │
│ Failed-Removed  :     0                                                   │
│ Dep-Wait-Removed:     0                                                   │
│ BD-Uninstallable:  1628                                                   │
│ Auto-Not-For-Us :   190                                                   │
│ Not-For-Us      :    30                                                   │
│ total           : 10030                                                   │
│                                                                           │
│  69.80% (7001) up-to-date,  69.80% (7001) including uploaded              │
│  10.43% (1046) need building                                              │
│   0.06% (  6) currently building                                          │
│   0.03% (  3) already built, but not uploaded                             │
│   0.25% ( 25) failed/dep-wait                                             │
│   0.00% (  0) old failed/dep-wait                                         │
│  16.23% (1628) not installable, because of missing build-dep              │
│   1.89% (190) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief (Auto)       │
│   0.30% ( 30) need porting or cause the buildd serious grief              │

We’re still not quite dropping below 1000 Needs-Build, because
currently, built packages reduce the BD-Uninstallable count or
are out-of-date ones, but still, 7000 Built is something nice.

«MyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life. »
“mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends
from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to
be a database”	(#nosec)    ‣‣‣ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!

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