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Re: xz

Finn Thain dixit:

>> Rule of thumb: xz -0 is faster than gzip -6 in compression and has about 
>> the same ratio...
>For the kernel binary, xz -0 has a better ration than gzip -9. RTFOP ;-)

Sure, I said rule of thumb, this means, in general corpus.

>> With -e, compression ratio increases...
>Indeed it does (though the man page warns that it can get worse):

Mh. Luckily, it rarely does. If concerned, do both and compare.

„Cool, /usr/share/doc/mksh/examples/uhr.gz ist ja ein Grund,
mksh auf jedem System zu installieren.“
	-- XTaran auf der OpenRheinRuhr, ganz begeistert
(EN: “[…]uhr.gz is a reason to install mksh on every system.”)

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