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Re: The future of an SCC that has been given up on

On 2012-05-24 04:11, Michael Schmitz wrote:

>>> But these autobuilders need somebody to inspect build logs, sign
>>> package uploads and such. 
>> I *think* Wouter *may* have volunteered for that. Maybe whoever else
>> used to do that. 
> Not many of us left I fear. 

*sigh* Well, yes... sort of, maybe... ;-/

Some time ago (last year or so?) I converted vivaldi and arrakis to use the
newer kernels. Maybe I should do some upgrade again, but basically these
machines are running for some time now without doing actual work as a
buildd. Someone[tm] would need to take care of them as buildd admin and do
some changes to use the proper repository first.
Vivaldi is still up and running and can be used as a buildd, while arrakis
just crashed 10 days ago and has now some issues with fscking the rootfs. I
need to instruct my parents to boot into rescue system and fsck the
filesystem manually or restore the backup. But apart from that it could be
used as well.

(There was/is still another issue with ssh'ing into the machines, but I
think that's solveable once someone is willing to do the buildd grunt

Ciao...          //    Fon: 0381-2744150
.     Ingo     \X/     http://blog.windfluechter.net

gpg pubkey: http://www.juergensmann.de/ij_public_key.

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