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Re: Has anyone successfully bootstrapped gcc-4.6.3 on m68k?

Vincent Rivi�re dixit:

> complexity. Also, the supervisor instructions (exceptions, cache management,
> MMU...) are very different. So the 680x0 and ColdFire are really different

Yes, but those only matter to the kernels.

> processors (while they share a lot of common instructions), IMHO it is a
> nonsense to try to be compatible with both, except if the goal is to get the
> slowest compatible binaries.


So, distinguished m68k and coldfire userspace ports? The really “nice”
thing that went through peoples’ minds was “let’s use those fast CF
to build binaries, as our Atari/Amiga/Mac68k machines can’t keep up”.

But then, people question that anyway. Heck, people question anything
that’s not Linux/amd64, these days (see Poettering).

The decision is not mine to make. (In fact. I’m still more involved
in Debian/m68k than I wanted, with less support than I asked for.
But please don’t follow up to this parenthesised comment, it’s moot.)

13:22⎜«neurodamage» mira, what's up man? I have a CVS question for you in #cvs
13:22⎜«neurodamage» since you're so good w. it │ «neurodamage:#cvs» i love you
13:28⎜«neurodamage:#cvs» you're a handy guy to have around for systems stuff ☺
16:06⎜<Draget:#cvs> Thank god I found you =)   20:03│«bioe007:#cvs» mira2k: ty
17:14⎜<ldiain:#cvs> Thanks big help you are :-)   <bioe007> mira|nwt: ty again
18:35⎜«alturiak:#cvs» mirabilos: aw, nice. thanks :o
18:36⎜«ThunderChicken:#cvs» mirabilos FTW!  23:03⎜«mithraic:#cvs» aaah. thanks
18:41⎜«alturiak:#cvs» phew. thanks a bunch, guys. you just made my weekend :-)
18:10⎜«sumit:#cvs» mirabilos: oh ok.. thanks for that
21:57⎜<bhuey:#cvs> yeah, I really appreciate help
18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» thankyou            18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» worked perfectly
20:50⎜<paolo:#cvs> i see. mirabilos, thnks for your support
00:36⎜«halirutan:#cvs» ok, the obvious way:-) thx
18:44⎜«arcfide:#cvs» mirabilos, I am running OpenBSD.     18:59⎜«arcfide:#cvs»
Hrm, yes, I see what you mean. 19:01⎜«arcfide:#cvs» Yeah, thanks for the help.
21:33⎜«CardinalFang:#cvs» Ugh.  Okay.  Sorry for the dumb question.  Thank you
21:34⎜<centosian:#cvs> mirabilos: whoa that's sweet
21:52⎜«garrett__:#cvs» much appreciated  «garrett__:#cvs» thanks for your time
23:39⎜<symons:#cvs> this worked, thank you very much 16:26⎜<schweizer:#cvs> ok
thx, i'll try that     20:00⎜«stableable:#cvs» Thank you.    20:50⎜«s833:#cvs»
mirabilos: thanks a lot.        19:34⎜<bobbytek:#cvs> Thanks for confirming :)
20:08⎜<tsolox:#cvs> ...works like a charm.. thanks mirabilos

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