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Re: Linux kernel 3.2.0-3-amiga misses Cyberstorm 1 SCSI

On 2012-11-10 05:10, schmitz wrote:

What I might can do to help here: upgrading the box to unstable, compiling test kernel, applying patches and see if it works...
Someone has to provide the patches in the first place. I remember
looking into what would be required to port the CS driver(s) to the
ESP core driver and it did not appear to be terribly complicated. That
project got shelved when RL got a bit too busy, though.

Same here. Otherwise I would have finished upgrading Elgar back in August already... ;)

I'll see what needs too be done to get that project started back up,
along with a few other odds and ends on the Atari side.
Debugging such a ported driver might be all but impossible at the
distance though.
What you will need in any case is a bootable and networked system on
the IDE disk. Another thing that might be useful is the 2.6 kernel -
do you still have source for that one? The old driver might report
useful information about how the ESP is configured if we add a bit of
verbosity to it.

I'm right now running Elgar on 3.2.0-3-amiga on IDE and the apt-get dist-upgrade is on its way. So, in a few days (or more likely end of November/begin of December) Elgar will be available on the net.

BTW, as a completely unrelated side note: I discovered that new flatscreen TV boxes make up a good replacement for old Amiga 50 Hz/15 kHz monitor. That'll make it easier for NMMN when machines will be moved back to their datacenter. No more CRT monitors. :)

Ciao...          //    Fon: 0381-2744150
.     Ingo     \X/     http://blog.windfluechter.net

gpg pubkey: http://www.juergensmann.de/ij_public_key.

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