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Re: The future of an SCC that has been given up on

On 28.05.2012 13:32, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
Reviving Hades PCI support is possible (of course, just like adding
Amiga Mediator
PCI support). Who has the hardware?

Hmmm. I am not sure how many Hades owners are still around, respectively how many machines in working order there are. I see the most commonplace use case for Radeon PCI cards on Atari with Falcon & CT60 owners who also have the CTPCI upgrade, as Rodolphe Czuba put out a recommendation (and drivers, I believe) for using thos with TOS on the upgraded Falcons. So probably the most sensible thing to do about PCI support seems to be a CTPCI driver. Not knowing too much about the hatdware itself, I don't know how much of the Hades stuff could be used.


      Björn Buske
--> bjoern@cubic.org <--

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