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Re: Internet superserver

Ok I tried to enable it and it still would not appear when I press option f14 I see some info about the computer. What is Internet Superserver is it so you can use the internet? if it is I just might as well disable it from starting because I don't need internet. how would I disable it?

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Mr. Gecko <grmrgecko@gmail.com> wrote:
I found out that you have to enable it http://lxr.kelp.or.kr/source/Documentation/sysrq.txt?v=2.6.24#L10 so after I install it I will enable it with my other linux system

On May 8, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Finn Thain wrote:

You can use magic sysrq anytime after the kernel has booted. That's partly
why it is so useful (often you can use it even if the kernel has locked
up). Are you running etch?

On Thu, 8 May 2008, Mr. Gecko wrote:

So I hold down alt-f13 when I boot for the first time and change the level of
logs. or can I do this with a kernel command.
On May 8, 2008, at 3:24 AM, Finn Thain wrote:

On Wed, 7 May 2008, Mr. Gecko wrote:

How do you do that?

Aparently it can be done with <alt>-<sysrq>-<digit>
I think that would be <option>-<F13>-<digit> on a mac?


On May 7, 2008, at 10:35 PM, Brian Morris wrote:

I always got this message. it was a hassle because
it trashes the display in certain programs. but you
can disable that by setting the logging level.

Yes, I seem to recall seeing this too (not recently).

Are we talking about etch here?


I never noticed any bad effect. the console login is fine.
I think they said this was a low priority error (somebody
on this list said that).

On 5/7/08, Mr. Gecko <grmrgecko@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok I looked at the hard disk and all files appear to be existing.

On May 6, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Brad Boyer wrote:

On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 09:41:57PM -0500, Mr. Gecko wrote:

When I first boot linux after I have installed it.
It tries to start the internet superserver and here is the outcome
Starting internet superserver: inetd.
INIT: id "1" respawning too fast: disable for 5 minutes

and every five minutes it appears again.  I am going to let it run
over night to see what happens.
I do have linux on another machine with extra space for another
so I can just pop in the hard drive and change files if needed
the first boot.

Do you get a login prompt on the console? The numbered entries in
inittab are generally the getty processes for console login. The
common reason for something like that is not having the right files
in /dev for the console.

 Brad Boyer

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