Re: Buildds configuration and admins
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 07:39:38PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> > A first, quick overview, which lacks oldstable:
> Thanks. What do the 't' and 'f' mean in the table?
The boolean fields in the DB (f = false, t = true).
> > I would be interested in keeping the database on uptodate as well
> > (, so if anything of the above is
> > wrong or missing, keep me updated as well, please.
> Is the above table available on
Not directly, but the pages (, experimental.b.n, ... )
are built from that database table.
> > If there's need, release team can have direct access to the Buildd.Net
> > database. I still need to add etch-m68k and sarge-bpo/sarge-volatile to
> > Buildd.Net.
> I guess that would only make sense when the table above is not available
>, but thanks anyway.
See above. Most of the information is hidden in the DB and some parts are
accessible via the website. I guess that one can extract much more data from
the database than I currently do.
Ciao... // Fon: 0381-2744150
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