Re: netfilter unavailable
On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 10:34:59PM -0700, Brian Morris wrote:
> forgive me for intruding, I am just learning a little myself
> in networking and still getting confused.
> however, I just want to ask:
> a) is iptables now considered legacy code/method.
> b) are there newer packages/ software to do whatever
> it is (i have no idea) you are needing iptables for ?
> for instance i use ipmasq and it seems i ran acrosss
> something that earlier what i do with that would have had
> to use iptables in earlier systems (such as with 2.4 kernels)
> Brian
Well, at the moment, the 'network' is the etch-m68k quadra and the
MacOS9 G4 connected to two ports of an ethernet hub. I've been
offered an iMac to use for telnet or ssh access to the quadra.
I'm not sure that I'll need the sophistication offered by ipmasq
or iptables but the only thing sure about the future is
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