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Trying to install 3.1r5 on Amiga 4000T

Hello! I am a newbie who wants to try Linux on his Amiga :)

When I try to launch the installation, with the icon StartInstall_clgen (I do have a Picasso IV board), on the debug screen I get a "Kernel panic". I don't think it is a matter of the script used, since it does the same also with the AGA script too.

I dumped the debug information to RAM then to a file, using the supplied tool, and there I can read that there is an illegal instruction about scsi0. The information is here:

Do you have any idea of the problem?


  ___                                                          __
 / __|___  Daniele Gratteri, Italian Commodore-Amiga user...  ///
| /  |__/  Nickname: FIAT1100D - ICQ: 53943994 Ritmo S75 __  ///
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 \___|     E-MAIL: daniele@gratteri.tk     ...since 1990  \///

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