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Re: building icedove_1.5.0.8-3

On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 07:59:18AM -0600, Stephen R Marenka wrote:

> > Please mark me (ballombe) as building icedove_1.5.0.8-3 (and other
> > packages you see fit)
> How about adding the following? Methinks we need a good list of
> applications that would be most suitable for building on the "big iron."
> iceweasel_2.0+dfsg-1
> kdevelop_4:3.3.5-1
> gcc-snapshot_20061022-1
> zsh-beta_4.3.2-dev-1+20061127-1 

buildd=> select packagename, avg(endtime-begin) as duration from ptracker
where arch='m68k' and endtime is not null group by packagename order by
duration desc;

             packagename              |        duration
 psi                                  | 6 days 18:54:28.457306
 gambas2                              | 6 days 17:07:23.255646
 texlive-bin                          | 5 days 26:18:25.707706
 gcc-3.3                              | 5 days 19:23:00.730451
 pfe                                  | 5 days 13:24:19.047927
 ace                                  | 4 days 19:39:27.854444
 obby                                 | 3 days 13:36:42.277303
 gcc-snapshot                         | 3 days 12:58:47.786574
 ghc6                                 | 3 days 11:04:32.402895
 mysql-dfsg-4.1                       | 3 days 03:57:53.637801
 k3d                                  | 2 days 22:47:07.798907
 gcc-3.4                              | 2 days 21:54:05.921318
 sound-juicer                         | 2 days 16:00:14.413874
 gcc-4.2                              | 2 days 12:08:48.561802
 gcl                                  | 2 days 08:52:38.816926
 jabberd2                             | 2 days 08:08:34.260829
 zeroc-ice                            | 1 day 30:16:12.415299
 gcj-4.0                              | 1 day 30:06:18.011623
 kdepim                               | 1 day 29:44:58.482106
 mozilla                              | 1 day 27:26:24.850429
 centericq                            | 1 day 26:30:38.524783
 linux-2.6                            | 1 day 22:30:21.149956
 pan                                  | 1 day 19:48:42.085823
 gcc-4.0                              | 1 day 19:30:15.463789
 gromacs                              | 1 day 17:06:50.748188
 pugs                                 | 1 day 17:00:37.112277
 koffice                              | 1 day 16:57:38.664072
 gpe-contacts                         | 1 day 16:07:25.896624
 regina-normal                        | 1 day 16:00:23.887226
 trustedqsl                           | 1 day 15:30:14.632054
 boost                                | 1 day 14:51:30.135539
 mysql-dfsg-5.0                       | 1 day 13:36:30.69477
 xemacs21                             | 1 day 13:19:27.410549
 octave2.9                            | 1 day 13:05:31.667009
 xulrunner                            | 1 day 13:02:27.184767
 sfs                                  | 1 day 12:25:10.594488
 cernlib                              | 1 day 12:14:57.21605
 xorg-x11                             | 1 day 12:06:48.629251
 octaviz                              | 1 day 12:03:49.563579
 swi-prolog                           | 1 day 12:00:33.753458
 qt4-x11                              | 1 day 11:55:38.265727
 mpqc                                 | 1 day 11:44:37.419202
 glibc                                | 1 day 11:33:05.634015
 felix                                | 1 day 11:32:10.395809
 rekall                               | 1 day 11:22:26.054806
 kdegraphics                          | 1 day 11:08:12.788177
 xmms-alarm                           | 1 day 11:08:05.40307
 kdebase                              | 1 day 09:47:34.448682
 ecl                                  | 1 day 09:43:32.744393
 wxwidgets2.6                         | 1 day 09:19:16.329476
 lyx                                  | 1 day 08:48:00.391779

Note that this includes failed builds with 30 mins (or so) of buildtime...

Ciao...                //        Fon: 0381-2744150 
      Ingo           \X/         SIP: 2744150@sipgate.de

gpg pubkey: http://www.juergensmann.de/ij/public_key.asc

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