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[I hope you won't be offended if I cc: this back to the list, I think this may be useful to others]

Brian Morris wrote:
FWIW, someone with a performa475 or quadra605 might benefit
from the power supply. it is 20 watt more power rated, althouth
the same size. adding memory, bigger drives, network cards all
consume power.

also memory both video and regular may be compatible.

most important to me is coprocessor especially 68882 25mhz FPU.
(i found mine without it was not really useable).
although i live in us i would pay ( i think it is like $12) for ship
before you throw on the dump, as well as spare n/w card, maybe
even memory (if 32Mb) -- the 32 from my lcIII is now in the
quadra630 i got free recently.

They both have copros, as far as I can remember. At least one of them has upgraded memory. I think one has a working network card. I think they both have upgraded VRAM.

i might also advertise that this machine is nice thin pizza box.
sits under a monitor more or less no extra space takes. if a
developer just needs a sample of an '030 it would be pretty
convenient for that. we have AFAIK nothing working for
etch on macII types yet.

On 10/28/06, Jules Bean <jules@jellybean.co.uk> wrote:
Hi all,

I have two LCIIIs which are surplus to requirements and will probably
end up on the dump.

If anyone knows of any UK debian developers who might have a use for
them, let me know. Or any appropriate charitable organisations which
might be interested. Or, frankly, even non-charitable: I'd rather they
be used than end up in a land-fill.

It's two LCIIIs but only one monitor, possibly only one working keyboard
(haven't checked recently).

Thanks for any ideas,


(cc: me on replies, I'm not on this list)

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